

I’ve Got More Coder Music Jams For You… (Music) New Single Released to Sound Cloud: Bounce

I’ve Got More Coder Music Jams For You. Let me know what you think!  I have released a new song. I’ve uploaded it to sound cloud (you can check it out below).  It should be available on all major steaming websites soon too. Enjoy

I’ve been made “Digital” for an upcoming film project!

Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions and safety concerns, production will resume virtually. So… meet my Digital Avatar for the upcoming ‘Re-Beginning’ movie. He’s about 15 years younger and thinner, but it’s still pretty cool to see myself Digitally. Much of the “acting” will be done virtually using Motion Capture technology for body and movements. How exciting! Track the production on Twitter @

Digital Character for Upcoming Re-Beginning Movie

Something new to chill to. I’m dreaming about a Kenyan beach… (Music) New Single Released to Sound Cloud: Kenya

Something new to chill to. I’m dreaming about a Kenyan beach…. Let me know what you think!  I have released a new song. I’ve uploaded it to sound cloud (you can check it out below).  It should be available on all major steaming websites soon too. Enjoy


I’ve got a new high energy jam for ya. (Music) New Single Released to Sound Cloud: K.O.

I’ve got a new high energy jam for ya. Let me know what you think!  I have released a new song. I’ve uploaded it to sound cloud (you can check it out below).  It should be available on all major steaming websites soon too. Enjoy


Stepped into the lab this weekend. (Music) New Single Released to Sound Cloud: Luz

Stepped into the lab this weekend. Let me know what you think!  I have released a new song. I’ve uploaded it to sound cloud (you can check it out below).  It should be available on all major steaming websites soon too. Enjoy


I took another shot at 600 Calories. (Music) New Single Released to Sound Cloud: 600 Calories : Reloaded

So I decided to take another shot at 600 Calories. Let me know what you think!  I have released a new song. I’ve uploaded it to sound cloud (you can check it out below).  It should be available on all major steaming websites soon too. Enjoy